Thursday, March 10, 2011

Art Gallery

So you have to know that I am the most thrifty girl ever. Our dates don't usually cost much money and they are usually dates at home after the kiddo's are asleep in bed so that I don't have to pay a sitter :) Though I do splurge when occasion calls for it.

This last weekend we "Visited" an art gallery.
We started with Eight blank pieces of paper each titled something different having to do with our relationship. Some examples... Our love, First night, Eight years, Without you.
We set up an art studio ( table, chairs, art supplies) We divided the table in half so that we could not see each others art work. We each chose a paper with title randomly from a pile and had to draw, paint, color a picture for that title. This could last a while or be real quick depending on your love of creating. My hubby is the real quick type. After we had created the art we hung it around the room. We got out our wine and cheese you can't stroll a gallery without them :) We don't drink however so we had sparkling cider and added crackers to our cheese. We ate our treat and drank from fancy glassed as we strolled around interpreting and then explaining our art to each other. It was really fun to see what each of us had come up with.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Books in Bed

So I am really going to get going on this blog and post more idea's.

For Valentines day this year we planned a quick last minute date. We just had our forth baby at the end of January so our thoughts have been focused a lot on her.

So for a quick last minute date....
We went to the library and picked out some children's picture books brought them home and set up a little blanket with pillows on the floor ( a snuggle spot ) to read the stories to each other. You could also read them in bed together like "bed time" stories and make it even more fun with the lights off and a flash light. We got some fun treats to eat that would work well for the occasion, like nuts, grapes, chocolate kisses (things you could eat in bed and not make a mess). And of course with it being Valentines day we had to open a bottle of bubbly and read our special valentines love letters to each other.

We ended with a little wrestling on the floor in our blankets. (light wrestling, remember I just had a baby :) It was a lot of fun.

Thanks for the Valentine memory babe!