Sunday, May 22, 2011

Love Link Letters

This one is lots of fun and sparks some great creativity.
first you will need lots of words printed on paper. You can use magazines or what I did is just type up some words I thought would work and printed them out onto paper. ( This part needs to be done before the date )
Now for the actual together time.... Sit down at the table. Each of you gets a fresh clean piece of paper. Cut out words and paste them onto your paper to create a love letter for each other. He-write one for you, You-write one for him. Rule is, You have to use the whole word. No cut and pasting letters here.
Talk to each other, eat some yummy goodies, laugh, enjoy each other. Then when you have cut and pasted your letters to your content. read them to each other.
We've done this and the letters turn out so funny. It's so interesting to see what comes of it. A letter to save and remember for a while.

A great idea for snacking on that night look Here

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