Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Love = Time together

So, I'm starting this blog to be reminded of all the fun dating adventures that my Hubby & I take. I love to date my Hubby and have been trying to continue doing so for the last six and a half years. Maybe this blog will inspire others to keep on dating as well.

It is so much fun to be with my Hubby, just him & I. It gets a little difficult to continue the courtship after you've been married a while, children come along, money pays for where we live instead of what we can do. Sometimes we just put the kids to bed then head off into different directions and meet up again in bed and fall fast asleep.

But we realize that love is so important, paying attention to one another is so important. If you really love your spouse and you feel loved in that same way, you will be happy, your family & children will be happy. It's all about love. Love = Time together. Time together = Dating.

I'm going to fill entries with Idea's of past dates we have attempted and also post about our most recent dating success's and good try's (they usually are a success). Some idea's are a little silly but so much fun. Who doesn't like to be silly sometimes?

So lets talk about dating!!!!


  1. Hi,

    new blog?

    come and visit mine, and if you follow mine, I will follow your blog....


  2. This sounds like a great blog! Michael and I are really struggling right now. It's always scary when the "D" word becomes part of conversations. We're going to marriage counseling...I hope it works. I'm sure this blog will be a great resource! Maybe it can help me revive our marriage! Post away, my friend! :)

  3. You are so cute! Love the idea. I'm with you.
